Anne Gell als Kelly, 1637

Submitted by: Joyce M Oats
Date: 4 February 2005
Original: LDS: 0106197

Note: The pagination may not be correct and translated or doubtful wording may not be indicated.

Anne Gell alias Kelly departed this life ye 16th 9ber untestate, 
whereof the Courte having intelligence hath decreed her brother 
Oates & her sisters Dorothie, Ellin & Margrett Gell her lawefull 
Administrators: Ellin who is at lawefull yeres is sworne supervisor 
over the rest who are under yeres.         
Decret est et solvit 3s xx.

Margt Gell one of ye Administrators being at lawfull yeares hath 
come wth her Supervisor & hath acknowledged herself to have received 
her full parte & procion of goods yt was due unto her by he death 
of her sister Anne Gell abovsd, & therefore doth free the Suretyes, 
witness her hand ys 26th 8ber 1646, Margt Gell her mrk X.    

                        alloted .... a legacy
an oxe, a horse, a cowe, ^ a heifer  an olde mayre a horse 
& a colte of 2 yeres & ye funeral charges.  
Itm ye Deads part of 4s 7d intacbs[?, intacos?]: 3 sheepe.          

Securite Gilbt Callow et Henry Gell who hath bound ymselves 
there heires & executors for ye forthcoming of the goods & 
to secure the office sub poena double ye aforesd Inventory.  

Claimes entered agt the execr of Anne Gell 9th of 9ber 1637.
A true & perfect note of all such goodes --- is due to me 
Christian Kelly by the death of my father William Kelly and 
is in ye possession of ---- Gell hir Executors:  
In halfe of one oxen sould for    23s;      
more half an other oxe sould for  23s;      
more halfe of one cowe sould for  30s,     
more Joniy Clowage demandes of the foresd executors of 
lent money 30d,     
more the sd Joniy demandes of them the executors  13d;      
more Tho: McFreer demandes of the sd executors 5s 6d;     
more the sd executors is behind for rent  6s 6d;     
more  Thomas Freere demandes three yards of keane cloath.      

Tho: Freere ys 26th of January entereth his claime agt the 
exec of Ann Gell for 5 groates & 3d & 1sum[?] of dry corne 
for wch he craveth law.
Patricke Kelly entereth his claime agt ye executors of Anne 
Gell for ye worth of 20s of houshould stuff & 6 sheepe & 6 lambes

Last Modified 28 May 2015