John Kelly 1689

Submitted by: Pat Galovich
Date: 3  May 2010
Original: LDS : 0991646

John Kelly  LDS E d 0991646  1689-1

Jon Kelly departed this life about the 30th of December last intestate
whereof the Church having intelligence hath Decreed his children Tho:
Margory Jony & Ann: Sole and joint Admrs of all his goods moveable
and unmoveable whatsoever; The next of Kindred on the fathers side
vizt Thomas: and Marjory Kelly, and a Legacy to ye wife on sight 
of the Inventory.
		Tho: Kelly and the wife is sworn according
		to Law.

Salvo tamen uinuig			Decretum est el Solivit .....
Suo jure

The Inventory & pledges at next Crt Sub poena .....

The Inventory of Jo: Kelly		)
taken and prised according to law	)
amounts in grosse to ___________	)		02:00:00

More 2 stooks of barley & 18 stooks		)
of oats wch ye children are to			)
have or moneys at their pleasure prised to	)	00:10:00

The goods & children under age in ye mothers
hands who hath given pledges in form of Law John
Clucas & Jo: Quine

Last Modified 12 June 2015