Marriage Contract
John Oadley & Annie Watterson alias Daughterty, 1649/50

Submitted by: Joyce M Oates
Date: 24 May 2021
Original: 0106198

Archdeacon Will 1650A #19 Jurby will & Articles of Marriage between John Oadley and Ann Watterson alias Dougherty, to marry by 2 February 1649/50:  
Summary: John Oadley & Annie Watterson alias Daughterty are to marry, brother of Annie: John Daugherty, dau of Ann: Menoe Watterson; witnesses: 
Patrick Gawne & Shinikin Gawne & Ellin Oadley.

Articles of marriage agreed & concluded uppon between John Oadley of ye one ptie & Aney Daughertie of ye othr ptie as here followeth: first, it agreed & concluded upon yt ye said John and Aney shall proceed & be ioyned together in ye holy estate of matrimonye before or upon ye second day of februarie 1649 if ye ----- of God & holy church pmitt ye same Secondly it is agreed & concluded upon yt ye said Aney Doughertie doth promisse to give to ye said John Oadley ffortie shillings in money which sheesent into Ireland in wollen cloath by her brother John Daughertie ye halfe of ye profit of ye cloath which shee laid out her money in Thirdly it is agreed uppon yt ye sd Aney doth give ye said John Oadley one Irish plad worth xxs[20s] which shee sent to her brother John Daughertie to make more of ffor her use; and nyne yards of russett cloath un----- and xxs[20s] in money & as for her my Daughter Menoe I have --- ----all her childs part of goods & shee --- claime nothinge of mee[?] nor of my execr: and ----- Last was that shee was paid to her of her goods was fower or five pound of wollen yearne & did acknowledge ----- her selfe to be certiffied & paid for her child part of goods as these whole names are subscribed ------- Testes Patr Gawne, Shinikin Gawne, & Ellin Patrick Gawne Oadley have deposed all above written to be true Shinikin Gawne the 20th day of January 1650 before Ellin Oadley me John Cannell ffurthr Shinikin Gawne hath deposed that he gave Menoe Waterson ---- ---- notice yesterday to appeare before me this day to heare the said wittnesses sworne who pmised to come but -----ng not Ita testor John Cannell The Contract bargayne is proved before ye Deemstr & the Court allowed off

Last updated 24 May 2021