Mallooney Mylchreest / mcChristie 1607

Submitted by: Joyce M Oates
Date: 28 June 2021
Original: Manorial rolls (not filmed)

Manx Will 1607M #20 Jurby will of Mallooney Mylchreest / mcChristie, died 21 November
NOTE, the wills on this page were written in Latin, so words may be transcribed wrong. 
1607: summary: ?wife is alive, executor Marian Christy/Mylchreest, also Catharine Christy/Mylchreest, also Ellin ? Christy/Mylchreest, Pattoon/Patrick Teare

Sestum Maloni mc Christe[?] qi obijt xxj die N--- Ebrett[?] voluit et constituit Marenum eni Christ--- Itm leit uxor sue Cream Itm leit Heline eni ---- cuensucam[?] ordei fr tritici, Itm leit Keterina ---- Christe equam ij anno 1 Inveinam ij d---- rqa festum oinrum setorum[?] pbatum est iiijd for thd[?] Dem for tritici trietem Itm leit Patone mc Tere 1 bos:[boule] hoydiacy[?]

Last Modified 28 June 2021