Margaret Taylor alias xxxx 1609 / 10

Submitted by: Joyce M Oates
Date: 3 July 2021
Original: Manorial rolls (not filmed)

Manx Will 1610M #08 Malew will of Margaret Taylor alias xxxx, died 2 March 1609/10: 
Summary: husband xxxx Taylor, son John Taylor, dau Isabel Taylor, witnesses: Edward Callow vicar & William Brew clerk.

The Testement of Margaret Taylor wch depted the second ---- Marche in anno 1609, Item left to the poore one fyrlet malt, Item she wylled ordayned and constituted John and Yssabl Tay---- children to be her lawfull executors of her goods moveable ----- veable pbatum est et solvit vjd Testes Edward Caloe William Brew Invetorye of the wholl goods that was betwene her husband and her, at the daye of her deathe Imprimis one cowe and a calfe Item one shepe & a lambe Item one ewe Item one sheite & vj kerchyffs Item fyve quarters of newe lynine cloth Item one Blanket Item one pounde of flaxe & halff pound of hurdes Item two barrells & twoe stonnes Item one tornell, twoe cannes & three dishes Item two wodden platters, & ij quarte cans Item two yeerds of graye clothe

Last Modified 3 July 2021