Christian xxxx alias Clerin / Clerey / Lerey 1610

Submitted by: Joyce M Oates
Date: 16 July 2021
Original: Manorial rolls (not filmed)

ManxWill 1611M #08 Lezayre will of Christian xxxx alias Clerin / Clerey / Lerey, died 12 December 1610:
Summary: husband xxxx is not mentioned, dau Catharine, son Patrick, son William, son Henry, son John, witnesses: Sir Silvester Crowe curate & 
John Crowe clerk.
See: Thomas Clerin & Catharine Hutchin presented 1637 Patrick for fornication.

kk Christ Leare The last will and testament of Christian Ini Lerey who depted the xijth of December anno dmmi 1610: beqeuath to the poore one ferlett mault and other pvision at sight and discrecon of my execut, I leave and beq---- to my daughter Katherin all my appell linnene and wollen, I leave and bequeath to the Curate Silvester Crowe one lambe, Itm I constituted and ordayne my children, namelye Patricke, William, Henry and John my true and lawfull executors of a--- my goods moveable and unmoveable, all the execrs have refused the witnesses administration of the goods Silvester Crowe except the fore said Willm cur---- Jo: Crowe clerk pbatum est et solvit iiijd Inventorie ut supra: this fyne prsented to the Los: bookes nihil no goods at all

Last Modified 16 July 2021