Patrick Gelling, 1708

Submitted by: Joyce M Oates, Eric Gelling
Date: 13 June 2004, 15 June 2008
Original: LDS: 0106209

  47 Braddan ye 6th of September 1708 

In the name of God amen. Patrick Gelling being sicke and weak in body
but of perfect memory thanks be to the Almightie, doe make this my last
will and testament and manner and form as followeth.  First, I comit my soule
to God my Creator and Redeemer, and my body to Christian burial. ---  
Itt, I leave to my three step children one xxxxx sheep one sheep to each 
of them as Legacy.  Itt, I leave to my wife my halfe of the ould cow as Legacy 
and as for any of my relations if [they] come to make claime I doe cut them off w’th 
six pence Legacie. Itt, I nominate and apoint my ^ four children Paule Gelling 
Jane Gelling, Easter Gelling, and Elizabeth Gelling jointly to be my true and 
lawfull executors of all the rest of my goods moveable and unmoveable 
of what kind or nature soever.
                                         The children being under age  
Witnesses here unto:                     ye mother with Rob’t Nowele[?] ye
Christopher Taggart my m’k C   }         uncle are sworn in Court in 
William Craine Junior my m’k W } jurati. form of Law.   
                                                      Probatum est & Solvit            

          The Inventory brought in by ye Sumner }
          amounts in gross to ------------------} 4 = 19 = 7  
                    The goods & children (with ye consent of 
                      ye Sup’r) are in ye hands of ye mother 
                      who hath given pledges in form of 
                      Law John Clague and Xtopher Taggart. 


[new page]

       KK Braddan Feb 7th 1736: 
Paul Gellin, Jane Gelling & Esther 
Gellin came this day before me 
& acknowledged that they received 
from their step father Dan: Cain[?] 
of Douglass the sum of four pounds 
nineteen shills and seven pence 
in full of all accnts for what 
was due unto them by the Will 
of their Father Pat. Gellin w’ch 
acknowledgmt is to be annexed 
to the said will. 
              John Cosnahan, V.G.  
Lib: 1708 Braddan

Last Modified 13 April 2015